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My Story

When I was young, I thought I would be a scientist,

a politician, or a businessman.  I turned out to be

an artist instead.

Born in St. Louis, I grew up in Arizona.  For seven years I lived in California, first as a student at Stanford, then as a salesman for IBM, and then as a graduate student in the business school at UCLA.  After a brief stint in finance at Intel back in Arizona, I started a PC clone company called Datafox. I sold it to a distributor in Philadelphia and started a consulting business.  I wrote newspaper editorials.  I did a little public speaking. I wrote tech manuals and computer code.  But through it all, it was the arts that held the strongest fascination, and they became my focus.

I've spent the rest of my years traveling and creating art in the three areas that interest me most: music, literature, and visual arts.  


I invite you to browse this site, and hope you find something you like.  If you are interested in a personalized painting or pen and ink drawing, click on "Commissions" and we'll discuss your ideas.

3 New Bern 16 web.jpeg
Sky Diving, Califonia, 1978 web.jpeg

Skydiving, 1978

7 Chefchaouen 75 web.JPG

Morocco, 2008

7 The Reception 155 web.JPG

My Wedding, 2011

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